Dio9sys<p>My husband is looking to get <a href="https://haunted.computer/tags/fedihired" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>fedihired</span></a>. Anybody have job openings?</p><p>Here's his credentials:<br>* Master's in Library Sciences from UNC Chapel Hill</p><p>* Over a decade in project management experience, with significant experience in overseas projects in the UK</p><p>* Over a decade of experience working with government and municipal clients, knows how to fill out RFPs and RFQs like it's nobody's business</p><p>* Salesforce admin experience. He migrated the CRM database for an entire company to Salesforce a few years ago</p><p>* Javascript experience (related to Salesforce admin)</p><p>* Database management</p><p>* Subject matter expert on image file metadata and data preservation, wrote his master's thesis on data rot in hard drives and effective forms of cold storage</p><p>* Effective communicator and organizer, very literally wrote the reference book that the library of congress uses to organize their east asian collections</p><p>* Lots and lots of community connections with state libraries, presidential libraries, publishers and historical societies</p><p>* Sales manager handling government and nonprofit sales contracts for the past 5 years</p><p>* Extensive experience with categorizing and digitizing records, especially records that are hard to process with OCR</p><p>Requirements:<br>* Must be able to work remote</p><p>He's worked at the same library sciences company for longer than I've known him, but company leadership at his job are currently going the Trump route and decrying any discussion of the defunding of libraries as "forbidden political talk" even though it directly affects the industry he works in, so he's trying to find something where he can use his skills in a more productive way.</p>